Modality of Pre PhD coursework Exam of Patna University

PhD Coursework Exam Modality
I came across the modalities of PhD coursework examination on my whatsapp today. The process of  evaluation of practicum work of Paper I & II in the course work of Education (of 20 marks each) which include writing of a learned paper, a book review, related  literature survey on a problem, preparing a research proposal and constucting a standardized tool during the six month course work is not only strange in the modality of PhD course work examination but unheard of any where. These components, ofcourse, are more importat than theoretical components of research methodoly or we can say they are practical expression of the theoretical learning. The university modility says as there is no provision of CIE in the ordinance, hence the practicum work will also be examined at the level of university. I simply ask a question- where is the modality in the PhD ordinance  that was approved by a university body?  Was this modality put before the Academic Council, the highest authority pertaining to acamic matters, for approval? Placing the modality in the AC would have given wider scope of discussion & improvement.  I don't find anything in the modality the way the practium examination will be conducted. The body framing the modality shd not neglect the best components of the course work in Education. The curricula of other Faculties do not have practicum component which cannot be the reason to make uniform modality giving no place to the spirit of practicum. The curriculum of Pre PhD coursework of Education is duly approved by the AC & other authorities as the case in coursework of other subjects.  The modality has  explained the type of questions, their number and corresponding  marks for a total of 100 for both the papers. 
The modality of examination is not there in the ordinance, hence a learned body was given  the task & the body must appreciate the practicum component in the curriculum of PhD coursework of Education and frame modality for theoretical  examination of 80 marks. The work done by the students under the given teachers under practicum components was carried out continuously and spent equal time as that of theoretical classes in the institution. The PhD coursework evaluation need not be only summative. Don't pull us back.

Moe over the modality of the PhD coursework examination was sent at 8:26 evening of 25 October 2019. Why the university actions so late & impose to do things in a great hurry?